Ny motion to withdraw filed documents
Ny motion to withdraw filed documents

ny motion to withdraw filed documents


Pursuant to New York’s Rules of Professional Conduct (“Rules”), an attorney must withdraw from representing a client when: (1) the attorney knows or reasonably should know that the representation will result in a violation of the Rules 4 or of law (2) the attorney’s physical or mental condition materially impairs the representation (3) the attorney is discharged by the client or (4) the attorney knows or reasonably should know that the client is “bringing the legal action, conducting the defense, or asserting a position in the matter, or is otherwise having steps taken,” to harass or maliciously injure.

ny motion to withdraw filed documents ny motion to withdraw filed documents

3 New York’s Rules of Professional Conduct set forth when withdrawal is required and permitted. An attorney can only terminate the attorney-client relationship upon good cause and reasonable notice. When retained in a legal proceeding, an attorney is generally required to represent the client until its conclusion. An attorney, however, may not freely terminate 2 the attorney-client relationship.

Ny motion to withdraw filed documents